Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Black Belt Test July 2016

Congratulations to the new black belts of 2016!!

 Click on the 'photos' tab for more great black belt test photos.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Cheer for our Competitors at Nationals!

The A-Team is off to the 2016 Calgary Nationals on Friday 

Taye Williams, Cam Mitchell, and Adam Tomlinson are all competing at Nationals

May 12-14th, 2016

Calgary, Alberta

Send your luck and best wishes!

Friday, 22 April 2016

Welcome to A. T. Martial Arts!

The A-Team is off to the 2016 Calgary Nationals on Friday  

Master Anthony Tomlinson
6th Dan Taekwondo Instructor
Elementary and High School Safety Consultant

We are a Taekwondo Training and Instructional Dojang that focuses on:

  • Confidence - The Greatest Gift for your Child
  • Leadership - The Ability to Say NO to Negative Peer Pressure
  • Respect - The Priceless Gift of a Lifetime

Everyone of any ability is welcome and we encourage you to come visit us for a free trial lesson!

A. T. Marital Arts Training
1910 Dundas St. E.
Unit B102
Whitby, ON
L1N 2L6
Phone: 905-430-3777

Email: at_the_mat@yahoo.ca
Website: www.a-t-martialarts.com